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Party Building of the Group Company

Since 2022, the Party Committee of the Group Companyhas adhered to Xi Jinping’s Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristicsfor a New Era, actively adapted to the new system, new mechanism and new tasksof Tianjin Pharma’s reform and development, explicitly put forward the “1361”work requirements, aimed at promoting the sound and sustainable development,identified the focus of primary party organizations to serve production andoperation and improve the quality of economic operation, further advanced the “doubleintegration and double promotion” of party building work and enterpriseproduction and operation management, and guided party organizations at alllevels and party members to take responsibility and make achievements inrealizing the new strategic objectives and high-quality development of theGroup Company.

Party organizations at all levels implement therequirements of the Party Committee of the Group Company, adhere to theprinciple of party building based on the production and operation, strive tocreate a party building brand that “party building facilitates development”,constantly enrich the brand connotation, use more activity carriers, and highlightthe effect. Besides, they strive to make the party building brand rich indistinctive characteristics of practice, times and industry, continuously improveand expand the brand connotation, and develop the party building brand animportant carrier for both promotion of party building and business. Moreover,they effectively inspire party members and masses to take the lead in hardwork, play a vanguard and exemplary role and make contributions in real work, andenable “party building +” to be a “red engine” to help Tianjin Pharm achievehigher quality development.

News of Party Construction

11.10 2023

集团党委组织开展党建品牌和 三型党支部创建交流展示


Party Construction Brand

  • Cohesion promotes development

    Party Committee of No. 6 Chinese Medicine Plant of Tianjin Pharmaceutical Da Ren Tang Group Corporation Limited

  • Two-hearted cohesion

    Party Committee of Tianjin Jin Yao Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.

  • EHS guard

    Party Branch of EHS Department of Tianjin Tianyao Pharmaceuticals Co., Ltd.

  • Maintain the original aspiration, strengthen the team and set a good example

    General Party Branch of Jinxin Company (Health Science and Technology Industry Development Branch of Tianjin Pharmaceutical Da Ren Tang Group Corporation Limited)

  • Cohesion promotes development

    Party Committee of No. 6 Chinese Medicine Plant of Tianjin Pharmaceutical Da Ren Tang Group Corporation Limited

  • Two-hearted cohesion

    Party Committee of Tianjin Jin Yao Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.